TAX returns

Tax Returns

We are Public Practice Accountants, CPA and Registered Tax Agents. We have several years of experience in the field of Accounting, Taxation and Home loans. We go through and look over our client’s tax returns, so that it can be assured that they will receive the maximum possible return from the ATO.

We provide tax return services for: 

    • Individuals
      • Simple PAYG tax returns 
      • Tax returns for Sole Traders (with only ABN income)
      • Tax return with PAYG income + Sole trading (ABN Income) 
      • Tax returns with PAYG + ABN income + Investment Property or shares/crypto currencies investments. 
    • Partnership
    • Small and Medium Companies
    • Trusts

We have developed a checklist for all types of tax returns to ensure that we do not miss out on possible deductable expenses while doing your tax return.  We don’t just crunch numbers, we continuously scan and monitor your returns and ensure that you do not miss out on the deductions that are legally claimable and at the same time we avoid claiming deductions that are not appropriate. We also provide advice on how you can legally maximise your tax return for the future. This is how we build up our client base.

Some of the example can be:

    • Record Keeping: Make a folder for each year and saving all the work related expenses in that folder
    • Getting a Private health insurance with hospital cover to avoid Medicare levy surcharge if your taxable income is going to be higher than threshold.
    • Pay in advance: For your rental property, some of the expenses such as interest and insurance in advance this year if your income is really high this year and it is going to be less next financial year to get the tax benefit
    • Knowledge on Depreciation: Education on how depreciation works for your investment property
    • Super Contribution: Contributing to your super up to concessional cap and claim back the personal contribution through tax or use catch up rules up to 5 years to save capital gain coming from selling of your investment property.
    • Advise on Investment strategies and taxation consequences
    • Liaise with ATO and help you to sort out outstanding matters such as late lodgements, payment plans etc.
    • Financial year end planning for individuals, Investment property/shares holders and business clients.