gst/bas return


The business activity statement (BAS) is a tax reporting requirement for businesses issued by ATO on either a monthly or quarterly or annual basis. It is used for reporting and paying goods and services tax (GST), pay as you go (PAYG) instalments, PAYG withholding tax and other tax obligations.


We do this as a profession therefore, we ensure that you report GST correctly, complete reconciliation of all GST control accounts, make sure your wages are correctly entered into the BAS, ensure any instalments are correctly entered, lodge your Activity Statement electronically, provide you with a complete BAS checklist and period reports showing how the GST was reconciled and provide you with a digital receipt of the BAS lodgement.

In addition, our services related BAS are:


We make sure your ATO deadlines are met

We are up-to-date with ATO calendars and requirements. We ensure that each of our clients have not missed the deadlines to submit their BAS return.


Prepare, Lodge and Extend Due dates with ATO

We can prepare your BAS Statements and lodge it electronically with the ATO. If we lodge BAS return for you, we can extend your due dates if required.


ATO Communication in case your GST is audited

We are always up-to-date with GST legislation so you never have to worry about claiming or paying GST incorrectly.


Help with BAS Audit

If you have purchased a large amount of new equipment or bought a Car for business, or paid Franchise fees, you may be entitled to a large GST Refund which could result in an audit from the ATO. We can take responsibility in dealing with the ATO on your behalf if you are able to provide all the necessary paperwork to get the audit cleared.


Help with BAS Liability Management

We can estimate your GST payable, PAYG withholding and PAYG instalment. In addition, we will help you set aside Individual payment towards the BAS liability each month so you don’t have the hassle when it comes to paying the BAS all at once.